The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff Brake Conversion Kits, Pre-bent Brake Lines, and Parts

First Place Auto Parts is proud to offer The Right Stuff brand of disc brake conversion kits, brake repair components, and the widest selection of pre-bent brake and fuel lines for popular GM, Ford, and Mopar cars and trucks from the 1950s through the 1980s. The Right Stuff's brake conversion kits and brake lines are engineered to be easy to install, have the correct fitment, and exceed performance expectations. How your car stops is serious business. The Right Stuff only uses the highest quality components such as Timken bearings and certified spindles in its disc brake conversion kits which include everything you need to install a good looking and working brake system on your car. Details make the difference in how your car looks, feels, and performs. Whether you’re restoring a 1969 Chevelle, a classic Camaro, or a Mopar muscle car, go with The Right Stuff brake products for the kind of detail that matters for your project.

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